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Recombinant Rat PPT2 Protein

Cat no: PPT2-4648R

Supplier: Creative Biomart
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Recombinant Rat PPT2 full length or partial length protein was expressed.This item requires custom production and lead time is between 5-9 weeks. We can custom produce according to your specifications.
Catalogue number: PPT2-4648R
Gene: 54398
Storage buffer: Liquid or lyophilized powder
P type: Recombinant protein
Species: Rat
Purity: >80%
Storage temp: Store it at +4 degrees C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 degrees C~-80 degrees C.
Original item name: Ppt2 palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 2 [ Rattus norvegicus ]

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