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Panasonic LabAlert 179x90

High-Throughput Screening

High-Throughput Screening
3-D Life RGD Peptide
3-D Life RGD Peptide
B-Bridge International, Inc.

Customize your gel further with adhesive peptides, such as our 3D Life RGD Peptide. Also available in 1 mg size (see catalog number 09-P-001).

3-D Life RGD Peptide
3-D Life RGD Peptide
B-Bridge International, Inc.

Customize your gel further with adhesive peptides, such as our 3D Life RGD Peptide. Also available in 3 x 1 mg size (see catalog number P10-3).

3-D Life Maleimide - Dextran
3-D Life Maleimide - Dextran
B-Bridge International, Inc.

Maleimide polymers and buffers included. Select from the 3D Life PEG-link or 3D Life CD-link for your crosslinker (see catalog numbers L50-3 and L60-3). Item...

3-D Life CD - Link
3-D Life CD - Link
B-Bridge International, Inc.

Cell-degradable polyethylene glycol peptide conjugate which contains a Matrix-Metallo-protease cleavable peptide, allowing the cell to cleave the crosslinker...

3-D Life CD - Link
3-D Life CD - Link
B-Bridge International, Inc.

Cell-degradable polyethylene glycol peptide conjugate which contains a Matrix-Metallo-protease cleavable peptide, allowing the cell to cleave the crosslinker...

3-D Life PEG - Link
3-D Life PEG - Link
B-Bridge International, Inc.

Non-degradable polyethylene glycol thiol-functionalized crosslinker. Also available in 200 ul size (see catalog number L50-1). For use with the 3D Life...

3-D Life PEG - Link
3-D Life PEG - Link
B-Bridge International, Inc.

Non-degradable polyethylene glycol thiol-functionalized crosslinker. Also available in 3 x 200 ul size (see catalog number L50-3). For use with the 3D Life...

3-D Life Dextran - CD Hydrogel
3-D Life Dextran - CD Hydrogel
B-Bridge International, Inc.

The 3D Life Hydrogel system gives you the control over your 3D cell culture environment. The two-component system consists of a user-degradable...

3-D Life Dextran - PEG Hydrogel
3-D Life Dextran - PEG Hydrogel
B-Bridge International, Inc.

The 3D Life Hydrogel system gives you the control over your 3D cell culture environment. The two-component system consists of a user-degradable...

CAP1 peptide YLSGANLNL (HLA-A*0201)
CAP1 peptide YLSGANLNL (HLA-A*0201)

CAP1 peptide YLSGANLNL (HLA-A*0201) for stimulation of T-cells. Single peptide (YLSGANLNL) for stimulation of human CAP1-specific CD8+ T-cells. The peptide...

Ovalbumin peptide SIINFEKL (H-2 Kb)
Ovalbumin peptide SIINFEKL (H-2 Kb)

Ovalbumin peptide SIINFEKL (H-2 Kb) for stimulation of T cells. Single peptide (SIINFEKL) for stimulation of mouse Ovalbumin-specific CD8+ T cells. The...

CMV pp65 peptide NLVPMVATV (HLA-A*0201)
CMV pp65 peptide NLVPMVATV (HLA-A*0201)

CMV pp65 peptide NLVPMVATV (HLA-A0201) for stimulation of T-cells. Single peptide (NLVPMVATV) for stimulation of human CMV-specific CD8+ T-cells. The peptide...

MHC I Streptamer(R) Best CELLer Staining Kit
MHC I Streptamer(R) Best CELLer Staining Kit

STREPTAMER(R) Best CELLer fluorescent MHC I Streptamer(R) reagents for detection and isolation of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells by flow cytometry select your...

CD4+ CD25+ CD45RA+ Treg Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human
CD4+ CD25+ CD45RA+ Treg Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human

For isolation of CD4+ CD25+ CD45RA+ regulatory T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer components for triple...

CD3+ CD45RO+ Tcm Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human
CD3+ CD45RO+ Tcm Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human

For isolation of CD3+ CD45RO+ central memory T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer components for double...

StrepMan magnet
StrepMan magnet

StrepMan permanent magnet for Streptamer(R) cell isolation with Strep-Tactin(R) Magnetic Microbeads; for 2x15 ml and 2x50 ml Falcon tubes

CD3+ CD62L+ CD45RO+ Tcm Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human
CD3+ CD62L+ CD45RO+ Tcm Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human

For isolation of CD3+ CD62L+ CD45RO+ central memory T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer components for...

CD8+ CD62L+ CD45RA+ naive T cell Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human
CD8+ CD62L+ CD45RA+ naive T cell Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human

For isolation of CD8+ CD62L+ CD45RA+ naive T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer components for a triple...

CD4+ CD25+ Treg Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human
CD4+ CD25+ Treg Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human

For isolation of CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer components for double positive...

CD8 Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human
CD8 Fab Streptamer(R) Isolation Kit MB, human

For isolation of CD8+ T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The kit includes all Fab Streptamer components for positive cell isolation with...

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